Friday, June 20, 2014

3:45 AM

This is a conspiracy.  Somehow babies have a way of communicating with each other.  Some sort of ESP that only babies 2 months and younger have.  This extra sense allows them to know when it is exactly the most inconvenient for them to be awake and mad.  Really, really, mad.  For this little girl, that time has been between 2 AM and 4 AM.  Prime mommy and daddy sleeping time.  At the moment, my poor wife the feeding trough is upstairs trying in vain to get that little girl to calm down enough to eat something while I type this.  It's one of the times when I am completely useless, not having the built-in food supply that women have (I don't know you all live with those bodies, by the way).  We both know, we being my wife and I, that this little girl will be completely agreeable for the rest of the day and that we just have to get through this melt down.  But the next 2 AM is only 22 hours away...

4 AM EDIT... I kid you not she calmed down so much and is asleep so deeply that we cannot get her awake enough to eat and it happened right at 4 AM.  Conspiracy.

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